Car hunting in Idaho, not for the faint at hearted!

Ok will they shoot us? Or unleash their (BIG) dogs? You never know, but let me take you along on our trip this time, so at least we got a witness….:)

it all started in a civilized world…

we drove by beautiful empty country side…

The drive was long, the roads getting smaller….

…. and unpaved…. gravel driving… long….

ok, let’s the adventure starts, what will this ranch be hiding?

open the gate and GO!

I really hope they don’t have Dogs!

We’ve been greeted by a couple of old REO trucks, the middle one was my instant favorite…

From there it became real small trails …. wowh… Don’t remember I went this deep for treasures…

Look! What is appearing on the horizon?

Damn, good hunters need good trackers, and my tracker today was one of world best trackers we all see here! Thanks buddy, this was so cool!

Besides the Bay windows what I think are too far gone there was a 1960 double cab and a 1957 panelvan…. both are available, and are not expensive, but they’re both huge projects… so let me know in case of interest…

The setting couldn’t have been better, incredible views came in the package…:)

Bye bye babies, hopefully see a couple of you back soon!

We also said Hi! … the neighbours…:)

And drove out, to the next destination….

Ok was this road getting us somewhere or what? Let’s follow some more trails in next adventure… stay tuned!

Idaho treasures…. a visit to my friend Lind….

Oh yes every state in the USA has “his” treasures…

In Idaho it’s for sure Lind that’s worth a visit, although I cleared out a lot of the treasures…:)

Yes they still have “rows” of everything….

The Type 3 row… soon to be in Belgium…:) Looking for an early model square back? don’t delay contact me today!

just plenty? …..or too much?

Ah my little favorite of the lot… if we had dunes in Belgium to drive in, I would have bought it on the spot!

Check out that wild pedal assembly, saw ever a car with 4 pedals before?

Ok for Idaho part 1, get on the road, some serious car hunting ahead…

Stay tuned, this was only te start!

ISP, EMPI and my flight to Boise Idaho

Before heading off to Boise I jumped by my friend Alex from ISP West, Type 3 specialist in and out.

Entering ISP is like entering in a different dimension…. Alex has style, a lot of style!

and being a friend Alex also cooked for me! Wonderful soup Alex! wowh, thank You so much!

A picture I wanted to show you about the new entry of Empi earlier this week…. it’s a different set up for sure, looks like a real shop now, (what it isn’t)

and then on friday night I took my flight to Boise Idaho, for some “weekend hunting”….. well let’s see what that bring…:)

Coming into Boise was magnificent… I didn’t have my camera so this was only a phone picture, but still I hope it show You what I saw…

so what’s all the buzz in Boise about uh? Stay tuned, it will come up next!

Visit to Hot VW’s office and on EMPI Insider podcast, Bob in California live!

This trip I visit many companies and saw many people, I highlight some of them.

The visit to my friends Shin and Eddy from HOT VW’s fame was for sure a nice meet again….

Mandatory when visiting Hot VW’s office is a picture with Shin’s pet….:)

I was also live on Empi Insider podcast with Empi’s own marketing director and BBT friend of Da Houze Cory Rider.

To see and hear this podcast CLICK HERE!

Look at that…

A low white whale in front of me before the traffic lights….:)

They do exist with original suspension…. wawh….:)

weather wasn’t good at all, I had lots of rain….

Yep this is Orange County….

ok time to catch my plane now to Boise Idaho, the mountain passes are all snowed in, I don’t want to run in trouble with a car and trailer, so decided to fly…:)

…. so stay tuned

BBT News

Do you still believe what you read in the papers, hear on television or see on the internet?
It’s amazing how many times world leaders tell opposite things, it seems they just want to be in the news i.o. reigning as they should!

Well we at least, here at BBT, don’t give you fake news or wrong information.
This week we want  to introduce the Pick up panels from our silver weld through metal program.
Now we stock almost every panel te restore your pick up truck to factory specs.



We made a new exploded view exclusively for pick up parts, everything that has a red dot is available and what’s new is shown in detail below,

Just click the picture it will direct you safely to our catalogues… for easy control, and that’s not fake news!

The side gates have been HOT, first shipment was sold out in a couple of days because we had  many pre-reservations. Sign up now for yours from our next delivery….

They come with hinges assembled for trouble free mounting.
Loved already by all that have been delivered.

For all latches and catches CLICK HERE

For the rear drop gate CLICK HERE

0168-115 Drop gate left Single cab – Bus -07/67 BBT
0168-125 Drop gate right Single cab – Bus -07/67 BBT


0890-772 Divider panel engine/fueltank, pick-up – Bus -07/65

0890-774 Divider panels above wheel arches engine/fueltank, pick-up – Bus -07/67




As usual also this week several parts arrived  back in stock.

Here’s a small list of most important parts which are again available.


1000 Exhaust assembly kit Type1


1001 Exhaust assembly kit 25-30HP / Single tip



Various items have been  removed from stock to make room
for new ones.

For some items there is only 1 left in stock.
So be quick, because GONE = GONE
Prices excl. VAT

1386-190 Suspension spring – Super Beetle (used)

5,40 euro excl.

7010 Callook seal front – Beetle convertible -07/57

3,60 euro


Fake or real? This news is real, don’t worry… we at BBT aim for the real stuff. The stuff that fits, stuff with a perfect quality to price ratio and especially stuff we can mount on our own cars!

We like to keep Volkswagens on the road, where they belong!

The BBT news team wishes you a wonderful real weekend.