
What did you had on your lift yesterday?

Perry Watkins and his team asked help on their European tour so we granted the BBT workshop and lift to replace the transmission nose cone on their Jet Bus after they broke it in a try out for a Burn Out on VW power……

Not a daily sight to have a Jet bus on your lift, is it?

1800Hp, Rolls Royce jet engine, detailed as nothing else. Just Massive…

Oh yes, he told us he bought the jet engine on EBay… crazy people those UK lads!

All repaired now and on their way to the Austrian GP Formula 1. Marcel if you see it performing there, think about us!

Period picture Sunday…

 While we having a great time on the Hessisch Oldendorf show we would love to show you some early pictures from the most famous VW dealership in Antwerp.

Ets Van Kerckhove just had a new showroom sometime… longtime ago ..:)

Back in the day….