Fresh in…

We don’t stop, getting good cars is getting harder every week, but that makes the challenge even more interesting to us… last week we received two cuties straight from the country of Uncle Sam… a couple of snap pics, already, BBT bloggers knows first and that how it has to be….

first a 1970 T2a, rock solid and a crazy driver it seems, and that was what our hunter told us… as these getting real rare these day, grab You change if You want one, we price it now in a quick sale mood, before we start buffing and detailing, your gain?

Foto1936_blog Foto1937_blogfor your eyes only, some “local” shots from sunny California as well….

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If that was not cool enough we have a crazy nice solid 1976 Riviera camper, for a real good price.. during its 1000 miles trip to Los Angeles seaport the roof blew off and was slightly damaged, but with some fibreglass easy to fix, off course we will reflect this in our take away price for your profit…

Foto1942_blog Foto1944_blog Foto1945_blogand also for this we include some “local” American pictures… there the top was still unharmed…:) the bus needs also another rocker on the left side and some attention at the left rear quarter panel…. cool camper huh….

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For all further informations; best to email me on



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